Saturday, August 26, 2006

Package management in os x

Since I got my macbook, I wanna reuse my experiences in some other unix platforms, such as debian/ubuntu, freebsd. From those system, I know a package management machicsm is goodies for one system. So I try to look for something alike in os x.

I got two solution:
MacPorts, which used to be called "darwinports". It is like port in Freebsd, which maintains a souce tree of whole system. When you wanna install a package, you just input "sudo port install foo", then it will check the source tree and download the source and compile in your machine, so you could make configure of the package for your puspose. If you wanna update all source tree, just enter "sudo port sync". It's simple and clean. I prefer macports than fink. But its disadvantage is that the packages are less than fink.

Fink, something like "apt-get" in debian/ubuntu. It provides precompiled binary package in remote servers. Though my another laptop runs ubuntu as a server that provides web, svn services, I still like macports, the freebsd style package management.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Switch from to here

Try this new blog and I will use it as my personal blog if all stuff work right. And I hope will be always availble ...